Tag: NaNoWriMo

day 5: we got out the vote!

Happy Obama Day!!! And, um, I don’t quite know how to say this, but – he is black, isn’t he? I hope my readers will take this in the spirit of peace and acceptance that it is meant… but I kind of forgot. I’m sure 

day 4: be less ordinary

A couple days ago, hubby and I had a five-hour discussion about what makes a story ordinary vs. interesting. Quirky vs. “pedestrian” (his word ;)). As a writer, I generally shy away from taking risks. I keep my characters safe. I don’t allow them to 

day 3: open office rocks!

So the first half of yesterday I spent having a five-hour conversation with hubby about what makes a story interesting vs. ordinary (I meant to blog about that today, but I’ll blog about that tomorrow instead, as I have some novel words to catch up 

day 2: men, a character study

Men: they don’t say what they want or need, don’t say what they’re thinking unless you ask, and not even then sometimes. Instead, they just frump around acting all moody and sorry-for-themselves, because they expected you to read their mind, and then were disappointed when 

NaNoWriMo/NaBloPoMo, you want me to what???

NaNoWriMo NaBloPoMo It might seem crazy and counterintuitive to try to do both, but the way I figure, if I’m going to be going novel-writing crazy, I might as well spew it into my blog, thus accomplishing both goals? And raise a brilliant and well-adjusted