Tag: practice novel

pterodactyl moths from hell!

Last night we had a huge, bird-sized moth in our bedroom! Ugh, I hate moths! And if you can believe it, my husband hates bugs even more than I do, so guess who had to kill the damn thing?!? Ah, the things we do for 

the biology of cuteness and starting over

Did you know that cuteness is a biological construct? The over-sized head, the big wide puppy-dog eyes, cute little button-nose – children are born like that so their parents are inclined not to eat them for breakfast. It enhances the instinct to bond and create 

snips and snails and puppy dog tails

My child plays with his trucks and tries to make a “vroom” noise, but instead ends up sounding like the “grrr” of a monster. It’s funny 🙂 I don’t know how he ended up being such a boy – trucks, cars, tractors, airplanes, digging in 

hey look, i didn’t break it!

Chair graphic is gone! Colors changed! You really have no idea how proud I am, simply of the task of having not broken the damn thing in the process 🙂 My child keeps bringing me sock lint off the floor and saying “bug.” One of