Tag: pictures

this was not a vacation

*** FYI: this post is long and picture-heavy *** Part 1: driving through the mountains in the snow Dear Pennsylvania, your bridge is crooked. And then it started to snow! But it’s okay, we’re from Michigan and we can handle a little snow. We managed 

c’est dommage

They’re cutting down all my baby’s trees! He loved to hug those trees. There were four of them in front of our house, and he would run from tree to tree hugging them. I don’t know where he learned that. I mean, sure I’m a 

pictures just for Meaghan

This post is dedicated to Meaghan, who has been begging for new pictures for a very long time. Taking pictures of a one year-old is not an easy job to do. My camera is cheap and SLOW! By the time the lens has focused, Dylan