NaNoWriMo/NaBloPoMo, you want me to what???


It might seem crazy and counterintuitive to try to do both, but the way I figure, if I’m going to be going novel-writing crazy, I might as well spew it into my blog, thus accomplishing both goals?

And raise a brilliant and well-adjusted child at the same time??? That’s crazy!

novel stats (start):
16420 words
50 pages

So I’ll aim to finish the month at 66420 words.

I’ll be honest, I started NaNoWriMo early, which I suppose is okay, since I’m doing this unofficially. And since I have a toddler at home – terrible twos buys me two extra days, right? 🙂

I took a little vacation from my novel in the past week, like four or five days, finished re-reading one of my favorite Lorrie Moore books, played some Sims, celebrated Halloween with my adorable little speed racer. I figured a little break might be nice before I jump into all this writing, but the thing is, writing every day has never been my problem, and I actually found it hard not to think about my novel for a few days. Writing every day in bulk will be a challenge for me. I usually only manage little snippets, a paragraph here and there, making having a toddler an excuse while I still somehow manage to read blogs and waste time on Facebook.

So what I’m hoping is that NaNoWriMo will force me to use what time I have productively.

Back to it then. And before my mini-vacation, I left Danny and Lexi at Christmas dinner, Danny’s father acting all smarmy about Lexi’s red cashmere V-neck sweater, which she wore because she’s eighteen. You know how when you’re eighteen, you wear a lot of things you probably shouldn’t just because you’re so damn proud to have finally grown boobies at all?

Heck, maybe I’m still proud of my boobies at twenty-eight. Maybe boobies are just a thing of pride all together. These are the meaningful questions in life, lol 🙂